luxuryboats | Positano
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Positano is the most famous town on the Amalfi Coast in Italy, known worldwide for positano fashion, lively nightlife and quaint shops. If you are looking for colorful clothes or typical Italian sandals, you can’t miss shopping in Positano. The urban structure of Positano is made up of terraces, narrow and winding streets and houses that climb the hillside. Typical are the many “steps” from the city center that descend to the beach. The main beaches of Positano are Spiaggia Grande and Fornillo, both within walking distance; the others are all accessible mainly by boat. Beyond the beauty of its universally recognized beaches, Positano is frequented by people from all over the world and from many different lifestyles, it is not uncommon to meet movie stars on holiday on the Amalfi Coast or to see the yachts of wealthy tycoons of the new economy. One of the reasons for Positano’s popularity is beachwear. Colored towels, bags, sarongs and bikinis in linen or cotton. The best season to visit Positano are certainly the months of June and September, since the summers are long, hot and sunny but fortunately cooled by a pleasant sea breeze, and the town is not as crowded with tourists.

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