luxuryboats | Capri
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The island of Capri is one of the most evocative and visited places in Campania. Its unique beauties were celebrated in ancient times and later published around the world in the works of Homer: Odysseus (known in Latin as Ulysses) who sailed beyond the island, narrowly escaped the fate of those who hear the voices of the sirens. Thus the island has a mythical charm, as well as its natural treasures, through the writings and legends of ancient Greece. Its breathtaking landscapes and beauty stretch from the rocky caves around the island to the horizon, and it has been a source of inspiration for poets, lovers and travelers over the centuries. Geologically speaking, the island is karst, covered with limestone that has been eroded by dissolution over the years forming fantastic ridge towers and sinkholes in the rock. This process over time has separated Capri from the mainland. The island of Capri is made up of two municipalities: Capri and Anacapri, each with their own administration and touch of regional rivalry. The latter is built on a plateau, offering jaw-dropping views of sheer cliffs from dizzying vantage points. The sea that emerges below is very deep and rugged jagged caves have formed there. The most famous of these is the Blue Grotto or “Blue Grotto”, now known for being a Roman seaside resort. This lagoon is haunted by a dazzling and changing turquoise blue. Small openings in the back of the cave let in daylight which, reflecting on the floor and limestone walls, creates a fantastic and magical atmosphere. It has attracted visitors and inspired awe from all who have seen its ancient limestone walls and learned the history of this ocean cave.

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