luxuryboats | Chi Siamo
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Chi Siamo

Absolutely Stunning

Luxury Boats

Luxury boats was born from the idea of young guys with a passion for the sea, our main goal is to make our customers live fantastic experiences in the precious waters of our sea.

We can rent a boat with driver or without driver, organize tours and transfers to the most beautiful places on the Amalfi Coast and Sorrento Coast (Sorrento, Amalfi, Positano) as well as on the main islands of the Campania archipelago, Capri and Ischia.

All to make families experience a day at sea in full compliance with safety regulations

Our operational headquarters are at the port of Marina di Stabia.

Visit our boats to book quickly from our site

Our services

We want your experience to be the best ever

Rent without driver

Boat rental without driver

Rent with driver

Boat rental with driver and visit to multiple destinations


Transportation by boat tour on the islands

Work with us

Join our crew

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