luxuryboats | Sorrento
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Situated on a terrace overlooking the beautiful Amalfi Coast, Sorrento is steeped in charm and echoes of the ancient past. Its location is perfect and offers a splendid panorama of the Gulf of Naples, but its list of attributes is full. Parks, villas, orange, lemon and olive groves, quaint narrow streets and a resplendent climate have ensured a steady stream of visitors to the city throughout the year and throughout the centuries. The city suffers from erratic construction projects, but even this hasn’t greatly tarnished its rustic seaside town charm. The name of the town has its origins in antiquity and derives from a Greek word which means “Flow” due to the shape of the town that seems to flow on the limestone tuff on which the town stands, defining the edge of the cliff. Curving along the coast, erosion has carved the cliff face over the centuries into the majestic cliffs that climb up to the skyline, forming the world-famous beauty of the Amalfi Coast. Its legendary origins derive from the word Sirena or Sirens, mythical female creatures with celestial voices and horrible appearance, whose hands and songs attracted unsuspecting sailors to the terror of the rocks, breaking their ships and unleashing romantic and tragic havoc.

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